Continuer of the education tradition in Arad and descendant of the Minorite gymnasium, National College "Moise Nicoara" is among the best schools in the country. Among the personalities who had studied here, we mention: Mircea V. Stanescu, publicist and promoter of Romanian culture, his class mate Csiki Gergely, eminent Hungarian playwright, writer Ioan Slavici, Vasile Goldis and Ioan Suciu, master minds of the Great Union the musicologist Emil Montia.
Facultatea de Teologie
Universitatea "Aurel Vlaicu"
               National College "Moise Nicoara"  

   Famous personalities, who subsequently had become academicians, scientists and highly cultivated people graduated from this college, in the inter war period: Caius Iacob, Aurel Avramescu, Tiseni Popovici, Valeriu Novacu, Stefan Augustin Doinas, Cantemir Riscutia, Titus Popovici. They had as mentors remarkable professors as: Ascaniu Crisan, Alexandru Stamatiad, Dimitrie Panaitescu - Perpessicius and Eduard Gavanescu.
   Among the most important schools in the city, we should mention: National College "Elena Ghiba Birta", Pedagogical High School "Dimitrie Tichindeal", Economics College, German High School "Adam Müller Guttenbrunn" and "Csiki Gergely" Hungarian High School.
   The re-establishing of the university education, seen as a moral reparation for Arad, began with the set up of the West University "Vasile Goldis" , in 1990 and continued with the opening of the "Aurel Vlaicu" University, in 1991.

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