Mass Media of Arad.

The release of German language weekly newspaper "Arader Kundschaftsblatt" marked the beginning of journalism in Arad, in 1837. Three years later, it was followed by its Hungarian version "Aradi Hirdeto". The first periodically publication printed at Arad in Romanian was "Speranta" - "Hope". "Church literary review. Reading Association of the Romanian Theologues from Arad" which was edited with the Preparandia and Arad Institute Theology support. The review gained enthusiast appreciation from one of the great Romanian poets, Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). Published bimonthly between February 1st - December 15th, 1869 and January 10th - June 13th, 1872 "Speranta" was considered "the first and only Romanian orthodox review in Hungary and Transylvania". Since then until nowadays more than 150 publications with religious, political, literary, artistically-cultural, economical, legal, didactic-pedagogical and daily information content were issued at Arad in Romanian, Hungarian and German languages. Their contribution to the social and spiritual development of the city was fundamental.

  The Romanian publication with the longest life and more appreciated was "Biserica si Scoala" - "Church and School" - published between 1877 and 1848.
Today, the city of Arad, as any other urbane community of the 3rd millennium, have a developed media and information means consisting in writing press, radio and TV stations, and on-line publications. The oldest still existing daily newspaper is "Adevarul" (The Truth), also known as "Flacara rosie" ("The Red Flame") (since 1949 until December 22nd, 1989), and respectively "Patriotul" ("The Patriot") (since 1944 until 1949), when it was the former communist party publication. Other daily or periodical publications, which ensure the diversity, competition and alternatives of mass media, are the daily newspapers "Observator", "Agenda zilei" and "Jelen" (in Hungarian) and the weekly magazines "Aradeanul", "Buletinul de Arad" and "Viata aradeana". Also are published literary, artistic and cultural reviews as: "Arca" - the Writers Association publication, "Relief" and "Avancronica". Arad has TV stations "TV Arad" (since 1990), "RCS Arad", also known as INTERSATI Arad, (since 1994), and PRO TV Arad. Also, two local radio stations "Radio Arad" and "Radio Pro FM" broadcast from Arad informative bulletins and entertainment broadcastings.

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