Arad - Spirit and Culture
Arad City has a multi-ethnic and multi-confesional character:
Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Jews and Serbs make up Arad population. It is natural to find a wide range of religious communities here: the Orthodox Church, both Serb and Romanian community, the Catholic Church, Greek - Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Lutheran Evangelist Church, Neo - Protestant Churches (Baptist, Adventist and Pentecostal).
The beginnings of the cultural life in Arad are closely related to the religious one.
The first cultural and educational institutions were set up next to religious establishments. In 1708, Camil Hofflich, a Minorite monk set up the first school and in 1745, the Gymnasium was established, under the ruling of the Minorite monks.

   Starting with the 19th Century, three institutions have influenced the cultural life of Arad: The Preparandia, the Old Theatre and the School of Music. Following the initiative of the Orthodox Bishop of Arad, Pavel Avacumovici, the first Romanian pedagogy school, Preparandia, was set up, in 1812, having among their teachers Dimitrie Tichindeal and Constantin - Diaconovici Loga. Another important event was the building of a theatre, by Jacob Hirschl, in autumn 1817.
     Cinderella, played by the company of Johann Cristoph Kunz, opened the first season. Hirschl's theatre may be considered the oldest theatre in Romania. Numerous German, Hungarian and Romanian companies played on this stage. In 1874, a new theatre was build and, after the fire in 1883, it was almost completely restored. Until 1945, the repertory of this theatre included only Hungarian plays. In 1948, the State Theatre was set up. Since 1990, Arad State Theatre hosts every year the Classic Theatre Festival, one of the most important cultural events of the city.  
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