Arad Economy

  The geographical location of the city at the junction of major commercial roads as well as the vicinity to the border has favored the economical development of the city. The city of Arad is an industrial and commercial centre of old tradition. The guilds set up in the 17th and 18th centuries will constitute the basis for the further industrial development. The fame of its products made the city one of the most famous manufacturing centres of the Austrian Empire.
   In the late 19th century, the big industry develops along the small one. We mention the steam mill, the alcohol and yeast factory and the textile factory of the Neuman brothers, Hendel tool-machines factory, Lengyel furniture factory that will became famous in Europe for its high quality products, the railcars factory managed by Johann Weitzer. At the beginning of the 20th century Arad was considered one of the most developed cities in Transylvania.
   Between the wars, the big industry continues to be represented by Astra factories built in 1920 where railcars, tramcars, trains, trucks and even planes are manufactured, ITA, FITA, TEBA, Neuman mill, and "Lengyel" furniture factory. New industrial activities develop such as the sugar factory (1926), "Polyrom" (varnishes and dyes, 1930), Arad Technical Factory (electric bulbs, 1935), "Iron" (radio sets and home appliances). In 1937, 110 industrial units were operating in the city, compared to 59 units existing in 1919. The economical activity amplified, placing the city of Arad with its 4001 companies on the fourth position at national level.
   After WWII, the development of the city was severely hindered and the economical position between the wars has never been reached again. New industrial activities developed, some of them unique in Romania, such as "Aradeanca" (doll factory, 1959) and "Victoria"
(clock factory, 1962).
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