The Religious Tourism

Another characteristic of the Municipality of Arad is its multi-confessionality, attribute bestowed by the diversity of the existing religions: Orthodox, Roman-Catholic, Greek Catholic, Evangelical - Lutheran, Protestant, Neo-Protestant and Mosaic.

The religion places with historic value are shown in the table below:






"Sf. Anton of Padova" Cathedral, The Order of Minorite Monks Bv. Revoluţiei 96 Roman-Catholic 1904 Renaissance
The Protestant Church Str. Eminescu nr. 33 Protestant 1852 classical baroque
The "Birth of Saint John, the Baptizer" Cathedral Piaţa Catedralei nr.1 Orthodox 1865, superelevated 1905 baroque
The "Sf. Peter and Pavel" Serbian Church Piaţa Sarbeasca  nr.1 Orthodox 1702, modified 1822 early baroque
The Neolog Synagogue Str.Tribunul Dobra nr. 10 mosaic 1834 Greek, Tuscan
The Red Church Bv. Revoluţiei 61 Evangelical-Lutheran 1906 neogothic
The "All-holy Name of the Holy Virgin Mary" Church Calea Timişorii nr.33, residential district Aradul Nou Roman-Catholic 1821 baroque
"St. Mc. Gheorghe" Church Str. Renaşterii nr. 9, residential district Micalaca Orthodox 1845 baroque
"St. Simon" Monastery Str. Dunarii nr.170, residential district Gai Orthodox 1762 baroque

Pleasure Tourism

The geographic characteristics of the area where the Municipality of Arad is situated, favored the existence of various amusement areas:

¨     "Neptun" Swimming Place , located in the Mureş ringlet, is one of the most beautiful places of amusement of this kind in our country. The Swimming Place is stretched over 20 hectares of green area, including swimming pools, sport courts, playgrounds for children, club houses, discos, over 1500 dressing cabins and 300 cottages.

¨     The Mureş embankment, where you can find the Children's Park and the Eminescu Park (carried out at the end of the XIX century), the Europe Park (where many mayors of the cities twinned to Arad planted many trees and where takes place celebrations with the occasion of the Europe Day), sport courts and playgrounds for children.

¨     The small wood situated in the vicinity of Podgoria Market. At the end of the XIX century, the green area was a lot larger, the natural lake from here being surrounded by a small wood reminiscence of the Ceala Forest.

¨     The Ceala Forest, situated at 2 kilometers distance of the west border of the city stretched over 1560 hectares, is one of the favorite places for the people of Arad to spend their free time. In this forest there is a natural lake "Moltăreţ" Lake. A very picturesque place is the Mureş Isle, situated at the South edge of the forest. On this island made of the main Mureş riverbed and a side river branch of Mureş, there are a lot of holiday camps and huts.

¨     The Vladimirescu Forest situated in the vicinity of the Vladimirescu suburban village, at a distance of 7 km of the East border of the city. The vegetation and fauna from this area is specific to the flood plain forests.

¨     Miniş-Măderat Vineyard situated at about 30 kilometers East of Arad, at the feet of the Zărand Mountains. This area has a rich wine-growing tradition, lakes for amusement and fishing, medieval fortresses, memorial museums and old religion houses. Here start a lot of marked mountain routes.

¨     The thermal swimming pools from Curtici, Macea, Şofronea and Dorobanţi, situated at a distance of 25 kilometers North of Arad, where you can find pools with geothermal water that reach 58 Celsius degrees.

Business Tourism

In Arad this type of tourism developed especially after 1989, when investment opportunities were created for the foreign enterprising persons. The strong points of the business tourism are:

       - conference rooms, seminars at the three stars hotels

       - vicinity with the border of Hungary

       - the Curtici Free Area, The Arad Industrial Area

       - Expo Arad, The Exhibition Centre of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of the County of Arad.;

The Transit Tourism

As far back as from ancient times, Arad was the place where important traffic highway have been crossed. That is why many travelers transited this town.

Today, especially due to the closeness with the west border of Romania exist an important flow of persons with various final destinations. The "Town on the Mureş river" becomes in this way a real gate of entering into our country, the first halting place where the tourists can make contact with the cultural and historical values from Romania.

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