Buildings with historical value:  
   There are certain buildings in Arad that keeps the memory of some personalities or of some historical events that marked the fortress life. These are:
¨  The High Teacher Training School, (Str. Preparandiei nr. 13) -1812, it was the first school of Romanian language teachers from Ardeal.
¨  The House with the Padlock, (Str. Tribunul Dobra nr. 7)-1815, which houses in a niche the "Guilds logs", set in 1827.
¨  The Catholic Parish House -The New Arad, (Calea Timisorii nr. 33)-1725, administered in the past by the Franciscan monks.
¨  The House with Cannon Balls, (Calea Timisorii nr. 18) 1800, which has incorporated in its walls 17 cannon balls of different sizes fired from the towers of the fortress during the fights from Arad between 1848-1849.
¨  The Ardealul Hotel, (Bd. Revolutiei nr. 98) - 1841, where gave concerts Franz Liszt in 1846, Johann Strauss jr. - 1847 and Johannes Brahms - 1879 and where George Cosbuc, Octavian Goga, Ion Luca Caragiale, George Enescu, Arany Janos, Moricz Zsigmond made a halt.
¨  The Old Theatre, (Str. Gheorghe Lazar nr.3), the oldest theatre of Romania - 1817, where performed the groups of Matei Milo (1870) and Mihai Pascaly (1868, 1871) where in 1868 Mihai Eminescu participated as prompter. Here also performed Deryne the Hungarian actress in 1820 and also the German actor Treumann in 1840.
¨  The Fortified Town of Arad, (Mureş ringlet - Subcetate residential district), built between 1763-1783, in Vauban style, witness of the battles during the 1848-1849 revolution and prison for the rebels led by Horia, Cloşca and Crişan and for the soldiers of the Napoleon Army, imprisoned by the Austrians. The fortified town of Arad was built in the second half of the XVIII century, late phase of the stellated fortification system from Europe.
¨  The Old Custom House, (Str. Banatului nr.2, immediately after the Traian Bridge, towards the Timişoara Way)-1907, the former customs point for goods entrance on the Arad markets.

   History and art monuments:
Name Year Place
The Monument of the Heroes of the W.W.II 1958 Avram Iancu Square
The Statue of Vasile Goldiş (1862 - 1934), the coryphaeus of the Big Union from 1st December 1918 2000 Revolution Square
Artistically sculptures: Dance, Music, and Poetry. 70's Astoria Hotel Park
The Monument of the Revolution from December 1989 1999 Revolution Square

The alley of the Arad's personalities:  

- Alexandru D. Xenopol (1847- 1920)-  historian and philosopher, who donated his huge library to the citizens of Arad

- George Coşbuc (1866-1918)- national poet, known as "The poet of the Peasants", and had a lot of connections with the town of Arad.

- Petre Pipoş (1859-1913)- professor of the Romanian school of pedagogy.

- Ioan Russu Şirianu (1864-1929)- publicist, historian, sociologist, fighter for national liberation

- Gheoghe Popa de Teiuş (1824-1867)- the first Romanian Supreme Upper Chief of Arad

- Mircea V. Stănescu (1841-1888)- Arad's lawyer, the leader of the Romanian National Movement








George Enescu Square
Martyrs Cross, dedicated to the martyr priests from November 1918 - spring 1919 1936 Eminescu Park
The Bust of Avram Iancu (1824 - 1872), national hero of the 1848-1849 Revolution 1990 Eminescu Park -The Palace of Justice
Artistically sculptures - carried out during four editions of the sculpture camps 70's Mureş Embankment
The Statue of St. John of Nepomuk, the saint protector of Arad 1729 The intersection of Str. Episcopiei with Str. Desseanu
The Bust of Mihai Eminescu, (1850-1889) the "Morning Star" of the Romanian poetry 1996 Str. Str. Vârful cu Dor -The Headquarter of the County Police Inspectorate
The Monument of 13 Generals of Hungarian revolutionary army, executed by the Habsburgic forces near Arad fortress walls on 6 October 1849 1881 ref.1945 Subcetate -13 Generals Square
The monument of the Saint Trinity, raised to remember the plague that swept over the town between 1738-1740. 1746 Calea Timişorii
The St. Florian, the patron saint of the firemen 1869 Str. A.M. Guttenbrunn 135
The Saint Trinity, statutory group of neo-baroque manner 1906 The "SF. Anton" Roman - Catholic Cathedral
The Statue of Liberty, built up in the memory of the 13 generals, heroes of the Hungarian revolutionary army of 1848 - 1849 Revolution 1890 Reconciliation Park Firemen Square
The Arch of Triumph - set up in the memory of the heroes of 1848 - 1849 Romanian Revolution 2004 Reconciliation Park Firemen Square
The Bust of Dimitrie Tichindeal (1775-1818), the first director of the first Romanian pedagogical school from Transylvania, 1817 1995 The Schoolyard of the Pedagogical High School
The Bust of Elena Ghiba Birta, (1801 - 1864) - she donated an important amount of money for education and culture development in Arad 1994 Dragalina Boulevard - Children's Park
The Bust of Vasile Goldiş (1862-1934), the coryphaeus of the Big Union from 1918 1992 Cl. Victoriei, Vasile Goldiş High School
The Statue of the Football Player 1980 Calea Aurel Vlaicu nr. 36
The Bust of Ioan Slavici (1848-1925), classical writer of the Romanian literature, born in Şiria, County of Arad 1973 P-ţa Liceului
The Bust of Moise Nicoară (1784-1861), outstanding representative person of the struggle for cultural emancipation of the Romanians from Transylvania in the first half of the XIX century 1992 P-ţa Liceului
The Statue of the Martyr soldiers of the 1989 Revolution 1994 Pod Decebal Bridge, Subcetate
The Obelisk of Toth Sandor, hero of the 1989 Revolution 1990 Splai Tei - Dig Mureş
The Serbian Heroes Cross, built up in the memory of Serbian heroes dead during the 1848-1849 Revolution 1862 ref.1898 front of the Serbian Church
The Monument of German Heroes, dead during the First World War 1923 in front of the Catholic parish house from New Arad district
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