"BIRTH of SAINT JOHN, the BAPTIZER" Romanian Orthodox Cathedral

The Romanian Cathedral occupies a special place in the Arad architecture. It was built between 1862-1865 in a Baroque style. The work, co-ordinated by the architect Antoniu Czigler, began in 1861 on a swampy field not quite fit for a monumental building, a fact that determined the building of the church on pile very soon after it was finished, there were crannies in the wall because of the structure of the ground. The building required repairs, which were performed when the walls were painted. The building was completed on the 28th of February in 1870. The church is an enlarge pronaos because it is flanked by two steeple towers. The apse, in the inner side, is half-circular with a niche for the bishop's throne. The altar is separated from the nave by a wonderful iconostasis, a piece of art created by the sculptor Mihail Alexici. The entrance of the church is on the Northern, Southern and Western sides. The main entrance is in the Western part, being placed quite in the middle, the door having two wings. It has a rectangular form, with stone frames, flanked by rectangular niches.
The two towers, added in 1904, are majestic; they have a squared section with a clock on each side. The first great restoration of the outer side, as well as some changes to the inside of the building, was done in 1905-1906. The attic, with a round window, was added between the two towers. Electric light was introduced in 1921; and in 1939 some reparations were completed. Between 1957-1959, frescoes were placed on the walls by Anastasie Demian. The niches from the front facade were painted in frescoes. Due to the efforts of the bishopric of Arad, the artist Viorel Tigu did important restoration work. The main founders of this cathedral are the Moiconi family and George Sina, a banker from Vienna who offered large sums of money for this monumental building. For the Orthodox community, it has become too small and we believe that the new building of the cathedral will fulfil the dreams of the congregation.

Galeria Foto

Gallery: Zilele Aradului 2008 - 18 August - Parcul Eminescu
Deschidere oficiala - fanfara, majorete, costume de epoca
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