Theatrical offer:

●       The State Theatre from Arad, ( Bd. Revoluţiei 103, Tel: 280016) which since its setting up in 1948, produced almost 400 premieres in about 16000 performances. The building where the theatre develops its activity was built in 1874 in neoclassic style being the place where more than 120 years the theatrical life of Arad has been concentrated. Stagiunea se desfăşoară în perioada septembrie-iunie. The theatrical season develops between September-June. Every year, in October, take place "The Classic Theatre Festival", national demonstration where participate the best performances from the country.

●        Puppet Theatre, (Str. Episcopiei nr.15, Tel: 256922), which since 1951 gives life to the fairy tales world to the delight of the children. Every two years, in May, take place the Euro-marionette International Festival, where are invited well-known theatres from the animation world, both from our Country and from abroad. The theatrical season develops between September-June.

●        The Old Theatre, (Str. Gh.Lazar nr 3, Tel: 211918), where take place underground and Court Theatre performances.

●        Hungarian Theatre, ((Str. M.Eminescu nr.55-57, Tel: 280716) set up in 2002.

Art galleries:

The exhibition of painting, sculpture, and decorative objects made of glass, wood and textiles can be visited at the following art galleries:

●       Delta Gallery (Str. M. Eminescu nr. 2, Tel: 281371). Here takes place the opening of the 3 major events of Arad artistic life: The International Biennial Drawing Saloon, The Biennial Small Sculpture Saloon, The Annual Art Saloon.

Visit program: Monday-Thursday: 9-17, Friday: 9-15

●       Alfa Gallery (Bd. Revolutiei nr. 90, Tel: 281971).

Visit program: Monday-Thursday: 9-17, Friday: 9-15

●        Clio Gallery (Str. Gh. Popa de Teius nr. 2-4, the entrance from Str. Horia, Tel: 256503 )

Visit program: Tuesday-Sunday: 9-17

●        Water Tower Gallery (Str. Ceaikovschi nr.11, Tel:280886)

Visit program: Monday-Friday: 9 - 16, Saturday: 9-12

●        Takács Gallery (Str. Lucian Blaga nr. 3, tel: 283931)

Visit program: Monday-Friday: 10-13, 17-21

State Philharmonic Orchestra from Arad, (Piaţa. G. Enescu nr.1, Tel: 281554) continues with honesty the musical tradition of Arad, which in 1833 was marked by the setting up of the sixth Conservatoire from Europe, in chronological order, after those from Paris, Prague, Brussels, Vienna and London. Noteworthy for the cultural history of the town, the year 1890 certifies the Philharmonic Society foundation, real institution of concerts with orchestra and chorus, with ambitious and elaborated programs. Beginning with 1948, when the State Philharmonic Orchestra was set up and the professional symphonic orchestra bands and the academically chorus, the artistic activity is developed in continue seasons of ten months (September-June), with a rhythmicality of at least one concert a week, each having other repertory and other protagonists. The concerts take place in the auditorium of the Cultural Palace, with a capacity of 780 seats, well known for its remarkable acoustics and design. Occasionally, shows are also organized in the big churches from Arad. During December, near by the winter holidays, takes place an important event "The sacred music days".

The "A. D. Xenopol" County Library (Str. Gh. Popa nr. 2-4, Tel: 256510). The library of Arad works in the readers service for more than 120 years, all this time it accumulated a book fund of over 500 000 UB. The oldest treasure of patrimony is Questiones Quodlibetae of Duns Ioannes, published at in Latin language in 1481. Here are organized also music auditions, stories for children are reel off, takes place book exhibitions of conferences.
The working program of the library: Monday-Friday: 9-17, Saturday: 9-13

Museum Complex from Arad (Piaţa G. Enescu nr. 1, Tel: 281847)

●        History department (The Cultural Palace, entrance from The Dragalina Boulevard)

The history and archaeology department consists of 15 exhibition rooms, situated at the first and second floor of the Palace of Culture. Those over 2000 items exhibited illustrate the evolution of Arad area, starting with the first traces of human presence until the setting up of the communist regime and consists of scale model of some medieval fortresses, seals, handmade objects, old manuscripts, clothing accessories, decorations, epoch photos. Among the important pieces of the museum's collection, are: silex and opal cut tools with an oldness of 100 000 years, representing the oldest traces of the human presence in the Arad area; the figurine from a bowl's wall "Venus from Sâmpetru German", dated approximately in 3900 BC; the silver Dacian coins from the III, II centuries BC from Silindia; discovered at the fortress from Vladimirescu, dated in the VIII-IX centuries; the diploma of royal free town of Arad, handed over to the local authorities by the emperor Franz Iosef, in 1834; the personal objects of the 13 generals if the Hungarian revolutionary army; flags, weapons and official documents of the guards and Romanian national Councils from the time of Great Union from 1st December 1918.

The visit program is: Tuesday-Sunday: 9-17

●        Nature Sciences Department (The Palace of Culture, ground floor, entrance from the Children's Park)

In the first exhibition hall can be visualized suggestive photographic collages representing galaxies, supergalaxies, supernovas, our solar system, and also scale models of some rackets and spaceships. Another sector of this exhibition is the mineralogical and ecological collection. Here mineral samples specific to the west and North -west side of Romania and the dioramas of the ecosystems characteristic to the county of Arad: plain, hill and mountain area are exposed, being reconstituted even the karstic environment by making some artificial caves. The palaeontological collection and the aquarium room complete the nature science spectrum.

The visit program is: Tuesday - Sunday: 9-17

●        Art Department (the second floor of the library building, Str. Gh. Popa de Teiuş nr. 2-4, tel. 256503)

The art collection is structured on the following fields: European painting XVI-XIX centuries, epoch dwellings, porcelain and glazed earthenware from the XVIII-XIX centuries, oriental and Transylvania carpets, Romanian art gallery- XIX - XX centuries .

The museum has works of some famous Romanian and Hungarian painters like Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Stefan Luchian, Nicolae Tonitza, Munkacsy Mihaly, Barabas Miklos, and Lotz Karoly.

The visit program is: Tuesday-Sunday: 9-17

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