During the inter-war period, the city further extends by including as suburbs the settlements Micălaca, Gradiste, Poltura and Bujac. The water supply and sewerage system is extended. Between 1930-1940, these districts  are massively built.The number of big companies increases from 38 to 142.
  The economic configuration did not change significantly after the Union. The big industry is further represented by Astra Factory set up in 1920  after the fusion  of Josef Weitzer Company with "Marta" car factory where railway and tramway coaches, trucks and even planes will be manufactured. Among other significant factories we mention the textile factories ITA, FITA and TEBA, the Neuman mill and "Lengyel" furniture factory. The famous plant liqueur "Zwack" is still produced here. New factories have been built, such as the Sugar Factory (1926), "Polyrom" (Varnishes and dyes, 1930), Arad Technical Factory (electric bulbs, 1935), "Iron" (radio sets and home appliances). Therefore, 110 companies were operating in 1937, while in 1919 only 59 companies were registered. The economic crisis between 1929-1933 caused the bankruptcy of several small companies and concentrated the great part of production in 22 big companies. The economic activity extended, placing the city of Arad on the 4th position at national level, with 4001 companies.
 After WWII, the City of Arad continues to develop as industrial center. The great industrial platforms with thousands jobs are set up in this period, attracting the rural population to the city. Due to the inclusion of the city in the region Banat, its development will slow down in favor of Timisoara, the capital of the region. Following the increasing number of inhabitants, new residential areas have been erected: Aurel Vlaicu, Calea Romanilor, Micalaca, Faleza Sud and Banu Maracine

  As well, new important buildings have been erected in this period: "Dacia" cinema hall, "Astoria" and "Parc" hotels, the House of Culture, the Sport Hall, the County Hospital, the swimming pool, etc. In December 1989, the city of Arad is the second big city in Romania to rise against the communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu. After 1989, the city of Arad becomes a university center and an important economic center for investors.
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