At the beginning and during the 18th century, the city centre was located in Drăgăsani district and in the Serbian one. Following the works of damming, the city extends to West to the present square "Avram Iancu" and in the second half of the 19th century, after the building of the railway network, during 1867-1914 several important and modern buildings have been erected, such as the City Hall, the Cenad Palace, the Palace of Culture, the Court House, the Theatre. The City of Arad has always been a strong centre of domestic industry.


During the 18-19th century, 32 guilds were operating here.
Several documents and specific objects proving their
prosperous activity have been preserved: flags,
guild chests, seals, etc. The oldest guild registered
was the furriers' one in 1702.  The guilds were the
basis of the further industrial development of
the city. The famous brands and luxury
products manufactured here made the city
of Arad re-known as an important
manufacturing centre of the Austrian
Empire before the 1848 revolution.

  At the end of the 19th century the big industry develops along the small industry.
We can mention the steam mill, Neuman brothers' alcohol and yeast factory and the textile factory, Hendel car factory, Lengyel  furniture factory well known all over Europe, coach factory set up by Johann Weitzer.  Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Arad was a first rank industrial and economic centre, with 25 factories and 7 banking institutions.
  Another major historical event the city of Arad is linked to is the 1918 Great Union. In the autumn of 1918, after the dissolution of the Austrian  Empire, the headquarters of the Romanian National Central Council moves to Arad.
  Among the leaders of this organization we could find several politicians from Arad: Stefan Cicio Pop, Vasile Goldis, Ioan Suciu and Ioan Flueraş.
  A Hungarian delegation led by Oskar Jaszi came to Arad to negotiate with the Romanian representatives. After three days of discussions, between November 13th -15th, Iuliu Maniu expresses the firm decision of the Romanians: the total separation of Transylvania from Hungary and the Union with Romania. The Romanian National Central Council prepared the Assembly at Alba Iulia and on the 1st of December 1918, when the Union of Transylvania to Romania was proclaimed.
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