Among the important writers of Arad, we also mention the Hungarian playwright Csiki Gergely and the German writer Adam Muler Guttenbrunn. The most important local writers of the post - war period are: St. Aug. Doinas, Gh. Schwartz, Fl. Banescu, R. Bucur, V. Gheorghita, V. Dan, D. Sibii, H. Ungureanu. The fine arts had started to develop in Arad under the Habsburg administration. The oldest monument in the city is the statue of Saint Nepomuk (1721).
   Starting with the second half of the 18th century, Arad has developed its own artistic life. We should mention painter Osztermayer's family and Stefan Tenetchi, who painted the iconostasis of the most important Orthodox churches in the region.

   In the 19th century, many German and Hungarian painters representing academism settled down in Arad: J. Geltz, D. Jägermann, Emeric and Adalbert Vizkeleti, E. Szamossy, P. Böhm.
    Famous Hungarian painters M. Munkácsy and L Paál also started their activity in Arad.
    In the inter - war period, C. Wolf, I. Stern, C. Kiss and F. Balla continued to paint in the academic style. I. Toader, C. Minisan, Al. Pataki and V. Anyos suceeded in surpassing this barrier.
A new style started to influence the Arad fine art, due to sculptures R. Ladea, Gh. Groza and M. Olnescu, who founded the "Pro Arte" group, in 1936. The most important post war artists in Arad are: N. Chirilovici, S. Frentiu, F. Baranyai, E. Vitroel, Lia and Ioan Cott, I. Tolan, St. Gules, E.S. Muntean, N. Bicfalvi, P. Alaszu, L. Babocsik, O. Colta, L. Josan Kocsis, I. Kett Groza, A. Strasnei Popa, Z. Eisele Szücs, M. Tamas, D. Serban, I. Stroia, L. Cociuba and M. Pãcurar.
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