In 1833, the sixth European Music School was set up in Arad, after Paris, Prague, Brussels, Vienna and London.
Among the founders of the Arader Musik Conservatorium, we mention Joseph Daurer, Peter Nimsgern and Ignatz Markovits.
   The founding, in 1890, of The Philharmonic Society of Arad - Aradi "Philharmonia" Egyesült Egyesült"- came as a natural completion of the cultural environment of the city.
   Till 1948, when it ceased its activity, the Conservatory prepared many exceptional instrumentalists, also building up the musical culture of the people of Arad. Over the years, due to the high performance orchestra and cultivated public, many great artists and composers came to play in Arad: Franz Liszt (1846), Johann Strauss Son (1847), Pablo Sarsate (1877), Henryk Wiernawski (1877), George Enescu (1922), Bela Bartok (1924).
   Nowadays, the musical tradition of Arad is carried on by the activity of the famous Art School "Sabin Dragoi" and the highly appreciated State Philharmonic of Arad (set up in 1948). The most important composers Arad ever had are considered Ion Vidu, Sabin Dragoi and Emil Montia.
   The literary magazine Muguri, published by the Romanian Pupils' Reading Society, came out in 1859, under the direction of M.V. Stanescu. This may be considered the first literary publication in Arad.
   At the end of the 19th century, many publications that included also literary subject matters came out in Arad: "Gura Satului" (1871), "Lumina"(1871), "Biserica si Scoala" (1877),
"Tribuna Poporului" (1896), "Tribuna" (1904),"Românul" (1911). Their pages hosted the works of many local writers, as I. Slavici, M. Nicoara, A. Cotrus, Al. Gavra, M.V. Stanescu, A.N. Marinescu, N. Oncu, I. Gorzescu, R. Ciorogariu and also of other famous Romanian writers: V. Alexandri, Al. Macedonski, Gr. Alexandrescu, G. Cosbuc, I.L. Caragiale, M. Sadoveanu. In 1919, Lucian Blaga made his debut in "Tribuna".
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